Players: 289
Tournaments: 147
Games Played: 2682
Total Appearances: 3244
Times are displayed as GMT.
Current date and time: 2024-12-22 13:16
Replays for Game #7989
24th August 2012, 22:00
Round 3
2012-08-25 00:05:57
2012-08-25 00:29:43
Show Turn Details
Players: as The Penguins as CdT Turko starts turn [00:00:17.92] Skip Go Dulek starts turn [00:00:46.44] Dragon Ball Turko starts turn [00:01:17.40] Shotgun[00:01:23.82] Shotgun Dulek starts turn [00:01:57.44] Mine Turko starts turn [00:02:22.82] Shotgun[00:02:42.94] Shotgun Dulek starts turn [00:02:57.40] Shotgun[00:03:23.30] Shotgun Turko starts turn [00:03:55.90] Dragon Ball Dulek starts turn [00:04:27.52] Skip Go Turko starts turn
107.18 s 89.14 s |