welcome to the most infamous tourney of the wormolympics!
Rowy is a fun scheme devoloped by DENnis and Peja.
You need to use every weapon in a row (beginning with bazooka, homing missile...). You need to use every weapon (even scales of justice, or axe when it makes no sense).
it's played on big shopper maps (because all worm will die soon on smaller maps).
also big mnp maps work really fine.
AWTRW (attack with the right weapon): the next 1 on the weapon table
AET (attack every turn): you need to use the next weapon even if you can't do damage.
Falls, plops etc. are cows if you did not use a weapon before.
Handlling cows: you can hit your opponent with magic bullet which is infinite (if you think it gives you an advantage). The opponents needs to use the weapon he missed in next turn.
2 teams with 8 worms per player (so 16 worms vs 16 worms)
Best of 1
who survives wins.
if you used everything from F1 to F11 use magic bullet every turn after that.